More Christmas preparations

Julia doesn't wear her pigtails all the time anymore. Sometimes it is barretts, sometimes a head band, and sometimes she goes naturale. I love this shy little face. It is so rare that we see it but it is precious.
Another face!

Such a perfect Christmas girl -- looking as if she is really peeking to see what Santa is leaving beneath the tree.
dinosaurs in the trees
Julia liked the decorations on the tree but once she discovered that she could put her dinsaurs on the tree, she really started having fun.
Some dinosaurs liked nibbling on the tree.
And some like sleeping inside the tree.
Oh me, oh my, how pretty this little girl is. The red frog decoration that is in front of Julia is from China, part of a set of Chinese animals that Grandma and Grandpa brought back from China almost 20 years ago. How that red thread stretches.
Julia takes Jersey
I am so sorry that my father could not meet Julia, but he is responsible for getting her to Jersey.
David and Julia joined me in Jersey with my family on Thursday night. They were supposed to come in on Wednesday, but after hours in the airport with one delay after another, they went home again on Wednesday and then returned to the airport on Thursday only to be delayed throughout the day once again. From what I hear, Julia flew absolutely fine. She was interested in looking out the window and sitting in her seat with her seat belt on. However, her behavior in the airport was a challenge. At one point, Julia was running through the Indianapolis airplane singing The Sun will come out Tomorrow. David says that some people thought her charming and some . . .
David was incredible actually getting the two of them out east.
Julia met her grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins at her Jagi's funeral. She was herself -- wanting to meet every person and interact with them. Although we had not thought that travel was best for her at this time, Julia made the best of it. At times she was overstimulated but she was friendly and interested and very cheerful.
Julia was very interested as we entered St John's Church -- the dark entry to main body of the church lit with the stained glass windows and candles, the choir singing above us, and the priest swinging the insence burner making the very air sweet. She did not make it through the entire mass -- well, she did not make it though a quarter of the mass. Lisa, blessed Lisa who came up to be with us, took Julia into the church hall and entertained her. Lisa told me that the funeral workers came into the hall to have their breakfast which Julia shared.
The day went on -- funeral mass, entomement (when Julia came into the very quiet chapel with a loud hello), repast, and evening at home with the family. A long sad day but with a little light of life.

My dad died on Monday morning after a long illness. He died in his sleep which was very blessed although hard on my mother. I am very sorry that he did not get to meet Julia because he was so happy about our adoption from the first time that I told him. We had weighed coming out east during my family leave and then during the holidays and felt that she was not ready to travel yet. It is ashame that Julia will come out to New Jersey for the funeral and not to meet her Jagi (Ukrainian, not Chinese for grandpa).
I left for Jersey on Monday evening after driving home from Chicago during the day. David has been on kid duty for the week. They were supposed to fly in yesterday but the plane was delayed over and over until at around 8 last night, he opted to be re-scheduled to fly today. From what I hear, Julia's behavior in the airport was more than a challenge. Actually, just what we imagined. I wonder if the airlines people was only too happy to re-schedule them.
I hope that they will get to Jersey today without difficulty.
I spoke to Julia this morning on the phone and she told me: "Time to go to see bones. Okay. Bye. Later." Yes, David will take her to the kids museum this morning and then fly out at 2.