30 March 2006

falling in love

Sometimes it amazes me that I can fall in love with a picture. I have so few expectations except that she tilt her head the way that it tilts in one picture, that she is as serious at times as her pictures are, that she can round her arm in ballet class the way her arm is rounded in a picture, that that her toes are a munchable as they are in a pictures, and that she has a good face. I would so love to hear her laugh, see her smile, know she likes to sing, or talk, or run around like a crazy one. And this is from three little pictures that I seem to have memorized. How I would like to spread this feeling -- I would like to give everyone that I care about the chance to jump off the cliff and allow the angels to catch them. I do not think I have ever taken such a chance. And if I expect anything, it is that the angels will be there with bells on!


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