28 April 2006

another step

We were fingerprinted today at CIS and David wrote up the petition letter that we had not thought we had to do. Betty from FTIA checked over the part of the dossier that we sent her. It is fine and minus only four things -- I 171, the petition letter, money and our work books. We are very close. I am sincerly hoping to get the CIS aproval next week. Maybe I am nuts. If we do, we can be DTC by May 12 and traveling in August will be a possibility. Then we can work on Zhi Kuang's room and furniture. I can look at clothes and think about what to pack for me and for our little one.

It was a very hard work week and I don't want to admit just how hard it was. There is a tension in that office that I was hoping to avoid. What is with this office tension thing? Is it lawyers? Is it the type of office that I have chosen to work in? There is a chance that our dropping numbers will mean a half less job. I have no doubt but that it would be me losing out, but the others seems just as tense. I don't know whether it is my karma to work out or just the state of things.

Those finishing touches on the novel are going just too slow. I slogged though part two last week and will do the last part next week and te week after. I would like to believe that it is a good story well written, but I have no idea anymore. If it is a page turner, it is lost on me.

To David on the last day of May.

Sick today. I thought it was not taking my blood pressure meds for three days, but it might be the flu thing that Marcia had a few weeks ago. That actually makes me feel better about being sick. Three days of no meds producing very dizzy feeling, with a bad stomach, no appetite, and sleeping troubles is a bit much. Flu I can deal with. Slept when David came home until after eight.

Cheshire called and she is into the Cambridge program for next semester. Some course work this summer which will put her at home or in Chicago and with us. Then to England, our christmas there, probably Spain in Spring, and Bolivia in the summer.

I am not quite there yet and do not yet know where there is, but I have that nagging feeling of expectation, of needing to push at something, not of being unsatisfied, but looking expectantly around the corner.


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