4 Sept 2006 -- One step closer to home
I have read other blogs and at about this point in the China trip people feel like they are ready to go home and begin real life. Julia needs a schedule, routine, and a real home. Hotel life is not for kids. We are managing but I don’t think we are making much progress at family building or learning each other. However, today for the first time Julia Bye-Bye greeted me with Mama when I met Cheshire and Julia at the playground. I am also pretty sure she is referring to David as Ba at times and has used the Chinese word for love with Cheshire. She remembered another song to sing to us, and tonight Catherine brought us 2 CDs of Chinese music and Julia seemed to recognize three of the songs. She also wants to be fed at times, usually after the first flush of hunger. Sometimes it is just to spoon juice into her mouth. She especially likes to sit in a lap when she is being fed, and we are happy to do it. Sometimes she lets me take her in my arms and rock her like a baby.
She is having more frequent melt downs but at least today she is coming out of them sooner. She is having a harder time leaving places like restaurants, and the playroom, and the pool. I feel like she is looking for a place to nest. Another reason to be home. She had to cry herself to sleep tonight. I went to her a few times and Cheshire went once to calm her down and lay her down to sleep. I hate doing it, but she was exhausted and will not lay down with us or in a bed. She cried for about 15 or 20 minutes. Now she is asleep and David has come with ice cream for the rest of us.
We went through the medical examination today. Whata zoo at that place. It is a clinic on Shaimian Island and was jammed with locals receiving exams and treatment and babies, babies, babies. I don't think there is such a thing as an appointment and waiting is pure hell. Luckily, Julia had to go to the bathroom at one point in our wait and somehow we became "next" to be weighed and measured. There were three rooms -- one for measurement, another for internal medicine (a doc listened to her hard and felt her belly), a third for hearing in which the doc surrendered her squeeky potato to Julia. Julia refused to do the eye test. Still, she passed with flying colors. I haven't figured out the coversion of her height and weight but carrying her around we know that she is solid and able.
Julia woke up on Wednesday morning happy to see us. David took her out of the crib (She could climb out without troup but she waits to be taken out) and she jumped into my bed and snuggled and played peek-a-boo. When she was done with me she went to Cheshire. What a kid!
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