day 77
Yup, another week. And today, I am working from home and it is much too quiet. David is in Fort Worth, Cheshire is done with summer school. Josh and Heather's wedding is over. David has an interview next week but that is the only thing calendared for some future day. I am just working, ready to jump at the quiet phone when it rings, wishing to engage in some mind numbing experience until it does.
Later: Several TAs were reported today with time lines very close to ours. FTIA received referrals today. I wonder if that means that whatever was in the package that FTIA received today is all they are receiving this week. I heard from Jen and Angie, and neither of them heard today.
CCAA sent out two packages to agencies, one Thursday (referrals), one Friday (TAs). That's what RQ said, and I'm stickin' to it.
Hang on...can't wait to see your post!!!
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