Kids Museum & Viet Bistro
Today, Julia and I made it to the Children's Museum and it was the best!
No question that the carousel is the favorite. She rode the tiger and then a horse; however, we did have some trouble getting off. Transitions continue to be difficult. This one particularly so, even when she found something else to do. Even while she was in the hall of mirrors the music of the carousel would send her back to moans and groans.Finally, I scooped her up, put her under my arm, and moved her to another floor. Then, she was fine.
We had lunch at the museum. The only food that I thought that Julia would eat was veggies. I ordered a piece of pizza for myself. I didn' t think that Julia would eat the pizza because she didn't eat pizza last week but today, Julia Bye-Bye likes pizza. She did eat most of her veggies but also a good portion of my slice. That girl! She has tasted and preferred a number of things, including my ice cream, a number of times now. I am not sure whether she just wants what I have, or that she is willing to taste things that I prefer. After lunch, we visited the dinosaurs and Julia practiced digging for ancient bones. While she was digging, a Chinese mother and son came into the digging pit. We started talking. She has been in the US for 6 years and has 3 kids. She was able to speak to Julia, and Julia seemed to understand some of what she said. It looked like Julia felt very good about seeing an Asian face and hearing Manderin. The woman and I traded names and phone numbers. We will try to get together for a playdate.
It is humbling to have another adult understand my daughter when I cannot understand her. It is humbling to have another woman say that Julia might still have a bit of fear of us because we look so different from what she is used to.
Tonight, we took Julia out to eat at the Viet Bistro. It is a quiet and quick restaurant, and it was both tonight. Its the first time we've been out to eat since we've been home and we had no idea if she would sit for the whole meal.
Even just coming into the restaurant put Julia in a good mood. She definitely liked or recognized the smells when we walked in, and she loved the food -- soft springs rolls, rice noodles with tofu, and chicken and broccoli. She inhaled it all. The food was very flavorful tonight and we enjoyed it just a bit less than she did. Julia has been very, very good about eating almost whatever I put in front of her. I've tried to give her some of what she might like but I know I am not spicing things in a real Chinese way. I will try to do some more authentic cooking, and we will take her out now and again.
Finally for today, there is nothing like walking to the car and having your little girl make sure she is holding one of mom's hands and one of dad's hands.
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