29 January 2007

Sailing to Seville, Spain on Sunday

Jei-Jei was flying not sailing but just a bit of poetic license on that one. So on Sunday, Ches left for her next away adventure in Seville, Spain where she will attend the University with a group of students from her American college. She was very excited and we are for her, but her visit was all too short. She fit right back into our daily lives and leaves a hole when she leaves. We love her so much! She is such a great person to live with and such an excellent big sister for Julia
Cheshire was home during an important time. There are going to be some major changes around here and she was here for the decisionmaking. David will become Clerk of the Court for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in April. This means we will be moving to Madison, Wisconsin, a city that we have loved for a long time. It means selling our dear Indianapolis house and pulling up roots once again. During this transition time, I will be a SAHM! Yes, me, who would have believed it? We are going to need some stabilizing force over the next few months and I am it. Also, I am going to be cleaning, packing, selling the house, finding a new house, unpacking, and getting us all settled in lovely Madison.
Because the news is so new, we've only started telling friends and relatives. Madison or Indy make littly difference to family on the east coast but we are going to be leaving so many loving and supportive friends. It's hard to believe -- I don't think I've processed much of this yet.

Maybe airport pictures are perfect for this post. Endings and beginnings.

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At 3:03 PM, Blogger Elaine said...

Hey, that's my old grad school buddy peeking over David's shoulder! 'Tis a small small world!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Suz said...

Small indeed, Elaine. I love the smallness of the world. Those six degrees of separation are only for kings and movie stars -- for the like minded, the separation is so much closer

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at Ches in those photos is like looking at Mom in her High School pictures. I have never been to Wisconsin, maybe I'll have to travel there in the future so we can meet.
Congratulations on the new adventure!!

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Suz said...

January 25, 2007

The new year

New year and more of a new life that I knew I would get.

This is what I wrote to Robin about yesterday, day after my birthday.

And I am fine!

But yesterday might have been the strangest day of my life. It was all done in a series of emails after my supervisor cancelled our morning meeting. Cancelling the meeting was not personal -- she cancelled it for all three of us. But I wrote and said I had an issue that needed adressing. She responded to ask my question in email. I wrote that I couldn't work from Chicago full time but if we could discuss it there were some options. She responded that if I couldn't work full time from Chicago, I'd have to quit. I asked what she wanted me to do. She responded that I should talk to personnel. I asked what she wanted and if we could talk. She responded that I should do whatever was good for me, talk to personnel, and of course, we could talk. I called personnel and asked Kevin what to do. He said when did I want my last day to be. I said I needed to talk to Sally, and he told me she was gone for the day. I hung up with him and went down the hall to find Sally and she was indeed gone. (She is pretty slow and still ill, but man, that woman moved to leave the office -- and this is the only thing that I am really pissed off about.) I checked the time and she wrote her last email at 11:18 and I got to her office at 11:30. So I told Kevin that Friday would be my last day but that I was leaving yesterday (Wednesday). I talked to my co-workers who were either surprised or are very good actors. No, I think that it was genuine. I put my cases in order, went to the apartment to clean out my stuff (I left with a shopping bag and a few things on hangers), went back to work to finish cleaning up (Keeping detailed notes on all my cases did pay off!) and transferring them to my co-workers, had my exit interview (in which Kevin kept asking if I wanted to stay longer or work something else out), and I was gone by 4:30.

It would have been nice to work through March and then devote myself to moving but this is almost perfect timing, so I can't really complain. I feel pretty manipulated and the ego is suffering a bit, but I am okay too. I didn't sleep well last night, or just plain didn't sleep. But Julia is at school, Cheshire is waking up, I will clean up some, David is at some big meeting at work. Another day -- what a way to begin a new year!


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