15 October 2006

Changes, mostly as in clothes

October 10, 2006

Yesterday, Julia took two very big steps! First, she was willing to put on a dress that was not with us in China! She did not do this in the morning but before we went out to dinner around super time. We gave her lots of praise and complements and hopefully she will be willing to wear her fall and winter dresses as the weather gets colder.

Second, we visited with one of David’s work colleagues in her home. It was a celebration of Sukkot with an outside meal and later singing. There are three kids in the family with a 10 year old daughter who was willing to play and spend lots of time with Julia. They had a wonderful time with Barbie dolls and many, many changes of clothes. Julia ate a good dinner, mostly from the laps of our hosts and was very charming to everyone.

It was cold this morning and Julia needed warmer clothes. She and David dressed her and when I woke up I found her in a summer skirt, short sleeved shirt, socks and sneakers. After David went to work I tried to tempt Julia into changing into something heavier. She refused and I was not sure how we were going to get to school that morning. Then I left her and got ready to leave. I brought a change of clothes to the first floor and called Julia to come downstairs. Then we went and stood out on the front porch. It was a beautiful day, but it was cold. She started doing a cold "dance" and I suggested that we go in and put something on her legs. She put on heavy tights, and went out again. We repeated the same with a long sleeve shirt. She even put on her jeans jacket but would not change her skirt. So she went to school with a summer skirt but warm on the top and bottom.

The next day, the 11th, Julia picked out a new dress to wear. Ya-hoo! She is still picky about clothes, but we are beyond the summer dresses of China.

And what good is a new dress with puddles to splash in. It is amazing to watch her do anything new. Julia is impressed and delighted by very simple things, including splashing in driveway puddles. What joy!
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